Thursday, October 17, 2024

Goodbye Abdominal Problems


Goodbye Abdominal Problems

Our abdomen is regarded as our second brain. It plays a crucial role in sustaining our health and well-being. Any medical problem has its root in the gut. Treating an ailment at the purely local level will not benefit you much. You have to give priority to the abdomen.

The upper brain (our first brain) and abdominal brain (our second brain) have to work in tandem; otherwise there will be chaos in the abdomen and misery in the head. Maintaining a healthy second brain and encouraging its interaction with the upper brain must be regarded as an invaluable weapon to fight medical disorders and a host of diseases. It also helps to fight unbalanced states of mind and slows the ageing process. This is the best way to promote and sustain good health.

A malfunctioning abdomen is responsible for many disorders like back pain, fatigue, insomnia or skin issues. An abdominal disorder that disrupts the absorption-elimination process influences the upper brain as well and may be the source of more serious complaints.

So how do we take care of the abdominal brain?

 Taste buds

Let’s start young. It is important to educate the taste buds of young children as early as possible. The fetus develops taste organs in the fourth month in the womb. Adult abdominal health is conditioned by childhood eating habits.


Moderate exercise involving an endurance sport stimulates the interaction between the two brains and benefits the entire body. Serious functional disorders have just vanished with regular exercise. The exercisers look and feel better thanks to the beneficial effects on the upper brain


  • Peach - assists in flushing out harmful toxins from the liver and kidneys
  • Dragon fruit - High water content accelerates removal of toxins and waste products from the body  
  • Black Rice - Cleanses the liver of harmful toxic build-up
  • Kiwi - has a rich source of dietary fiber, which removes toxins from the colon and detoxify the body resulting in better and clearer skin


Home Remedies for Constipation

  • Water - Drink at least 3 liters of water every day to keep your body hydrated and improve bowel movement
  • Spinach - It is a mild laxative and is the best remedy for constipation; especially the raw juice. It corrects the most aggravated cases. Drink half a glass of spinach juice mixed with half a glass of water twice daily for two to three days. Tomato spinach juice is an effective bowel cleanser
  • Prunes - Have 4 to 5 Prunes daily 
  • Ghee - Take a teaspoon of ghee mixed in a glass of hot milk before going to bed. This is an age old Indian traditional remedy.
  • Dates - Soak a few dates in milk. Crush it to make a paste. Mix with milk and take it for a week
  • Oranges and Sweet lime – It helps in digestion as well
  • Bananas - Rich in pectin, holds water and provides bulk to stools. Also helps to improve intestinal flora
  • Apricots – It is a gentle laxative
  • Papaya - Corrects digestive problems like indigestion, acidity and constipation
  • Exercise - Regular exercise fights constipation


Beat The Bloat

  • Water - Simplest remedy for treating a bloated stomach. Water flushes the gases and sodium out of your stomach and reduces the bloating. When you feel bloated, drink several glasses of water.
  • Massage Away - Stomach bloating is generally gas build up in your belly. Massaging helps to expel these gases quickly. Lie down flat and rub your stomach in circular motions for about 15 minutes, or until you can feel the bloating has gone. You will find instant relief with this remedy!
  • Take a Walk - One of the simple and effective bloated stomach remedies that help gas pass through your system effectively. Just walk around for 10 minutes or pace up and down the stairs until the gas is expelled.
  • Fennel Seeds - Fastest remedy for bloating. Chew a small amount of these seeds and watch them do their wonder to your bloated stomach in barely minutes! Plus, fennel seeds double as a mouth freshener. You could also boil a spoonful of fennel seeds in a glass of boiling water and drink it, to achieve the same results quicker! 
  • Lemon and Baking Soda - Squeeze a lemon into a glass and add some baking soda into it. You’ll see it fizz like a champagne bottle being opened. Continue adding baking soda until the fizz stops. Add a cup of water into it and stir until all the baking soda is dissolved
  • Ginger - Slowly chew a piece of ginger and swallow its juices or you could just drink a cup of ginger tea
  • Lemon Water - It stimulates the production of acid in your stomach and breaks down food more effectively, reducing a bloated stomach. Just squeeze a lemon into a cup of lukewarm water, stir and drink away.


Some Foods to Nourish The Tummy

  • Avocado
  • Carrots
  • Rice
  • Squash
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Saunf
  • Tofu
  • Turnip
  • Yam


Some Digestive Aids

Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful digestive aid. Add 1 to 2 tsp to little warm water and sip slowly before meals.

Garlic. A garlic flake swallowed with water on an empty stomach solves gastric problems

Radish promotes digestion

Coconut and Coconut Milk improves digestion.

Kokum improves the digestive system


Maintain Liver Health

  • Eat food that supports the liver. Avoid junk and processed food
  • Eliminate fizzy drinks as they interfere with digestion. Phosphates in them deplete the body of minerals
  • Fresh dark grapes, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries stimulate the liver
  • Lecithin helps the liver. It is found in egg yolks and soya
  • Sulphur-containing vegetables like broccoli, nuts, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cabbage, cauliflower, turnip roots are high in specific liver-building enzymes



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