Monday, August 26, 2024

Do We Need To Detox?

 To Detox or Not

Detox has become as fashionable as going on a holiday abroad. The first
 thing my clients ask for after they return from their vacation is a Detox Diet!

To begin with, why does one go completely off-track on a holiday? Where is that self-discipline and focus? And the desire to change one’s body? For, right at the beginning of my diet program, I stress on – ‘Do not diet. Do not deprive yourselves of your favourite foods’.

But they are instructed to:

  • ·       Eat consciously
  • ·       Do not overeat; but do not starve
  • ·       Eat till you are satiated; not stuffed
  • ·       Practice portion control
  • ·       Do not let food dominate you

So okay, one has erred and wants to make up by going on a detox diet. What next?

Few simple things I suggest as a quick fix:

  • Drink lots of water
  • Add some crushed ginger, few sprigs of mint and a lemon. Drink this infused water throughout the day
  • Add a pinch of hing (asafoetida) to 2 tbsp water and drink it up

 Detox Is A Must

According to one theory, your body stores toxins and foreign substances in its fatty deposits. So you could be carrying up to 5 kg of toxic waste and wondering why you feel exhausted, have developed joint pain, bad breath, going through depression, insomnia and weight gain.

Detox is popular

So that’s how Detox diets have become popular. People are willing to pay through their nose to detox. According to a study, although the detox industry is booming, there is very little clinical evidence to support the use of these diets.

So, despite its popularity, they aren’t proven to do what they say they will do - flush toxins out of your system. In fact, they may be risky and even backfire. Alarmed? Okay you should know this first.

Depending on the particular detox diet you are following, there could be fasting, or just drinking liquids. Others allow some foods like fruits and vegetables. The bottom line is – all these typically are short-term diets; you cannot adhere to this way of eating for long. Why?

  • ·       You will feel hungry and weak
  • ·       Most people don’t feel good on low-calorie, nutrient-poor diets
  • ·  Potential side effects include low energy, low blood sugar, muscle aches, fatigue, dizzy or lightheaded feeling and nausea
  • ·       You’re going to go without a lot of the foods you usually eat. Detox diets are typically very rigid and involve eating the same few things over and over
  • ·       If your goal is weight loss, a detox diet might help you to drop a few kilos, but you’ll likely just gain it back. In the end, you haven’t accomplished anything, and it’s certainly not a healthy approach

Toxins in your liver

If your goal is to detox your system, don’t waste your time or money. Your body is an expert at getting rid of toxins no matter what you eat. Toxins don’t build up in your liver, kidneys, or any other part of your body, and you’re not going to get rid of them with the latest detox wonder. Especially avoid diets that promise to detox your liver with supplements or cleanse whatever needs washing out.

Restrictive Diet

Besides, detox diets could be harmful for people with certain medical conditions. There is no research to show that they improve blood pressure or cholesterol or have a positive effect on the heart. This kind of restrictive diet may be quite dangerous for diabetics. It could lead to dangerously low blood sugar if you are on medication for diabetes. If you have diabetes, be sure to check with your doctor before you start a diet that changes how you usually eat.

So the bottom line is - Detox diet is all hype with no health benefits. There are many ways to get your body clean and healthy.

Liver Damage

In fact, detoxes may harm your liver. Studies have found that liver injuries from herbal and dietary supplements are on the rise. Green tea extract, for example, can cause damage like that from hepatitis. And the coffee enemas involved in some regimens can lead to infections and electrolyte problems that might be deadly.

If you have kidney disease, a cleanse that includes large amounts of juice can make your illness worse.

Clean eating

The only type of detox diet that is worthwhile is one that limits processed, high-fat, and sugary foods, and replaces them with more whole foods like fruits and vegetables. So instead of a detox diet the focus should be on clean eating. This approach could be great for anyone living with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even heart disease. The clean eating approach is your best bet to getting your body back in tip-top shape.

So if the idea of detoxing still appeals to you to overcome the holiday binge, then I advise ‘Clean Eating’.

This focuses on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein -- basically, whole foods without a lot of processing. That’s more likely to give you lasting results, especially if you combine this with regular exercise.

Top Detox Foods:

·       Vegetable Juices

·       Water

·       Raw Food

·       Sprouts

·       Greens

·       Fruits, Vegetables and Seeds

·       Whole grains and Legumes

Foods to avoid:

·       Sugar

·       Fried foods

·       High-fat dairy products

·       Alcohol

·       Caffeine


Start feeling cleaner with these foods

·       Radish helps increase flow of bile, helping to maintain a healthy gallbladder and liver

·       Turmeric assists the liver in the proper detoxification of harmful compounds

·       Lemons support healthy digestion and elimination

·       Coriander leaves help in the detoxification of heavy metals like mercury and lead that can accumulate in the body

·       Garlic boosts immunity, protects the heart and supports detoxification

·       Flaxseeds are packed with nutrients that facilitates internal cleansing

·       Apples are full of fibre that can cleanse the intestinal tract

·       Beets have antioxidant and liver-supporting abilities

·       Broccoli when digested, releases a nutrient that detoxifies the bad estrogens that accumulate in the body

· Cauliflower has compounds which activate the body’s detoxification system

·       Peaches cleanse and detoxify the body. They assist in flushing out harmful toxins from the liver and kidneys

·   Dragon fruit has high water content which accelerates the removal of toxins and waste products from the body\

· Black Rice  cleanses the liver of harmful toxic build-up


Keeping your stomach and digestive system free from toxins can help you improve your digestion, give you energy, and even lose weight faster

Oranges: Eating oranges can help cool the body, while cleansing the stomach. It becomes easier to digest the food you have consumed. Further, this citrus fruit is rich in vitamin C and has an alkaline effect.

Garlic: Eat garlic to cleanse your stomach and your intestines. This is particularly helpful for people who have parasites since garlic can clear them from your bowels. Additionally, this herb is protection against bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

Coconuts: It is helpful in killing parasites in the body, especially in the digestive tract. Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids which have anti-fungal properties.

Strawberries: They are good for your stomach and the overall wellbeing of your digestive system. It is considered as the fruit with the highest number of antioxidants because of which it is quite effective in dealing with viruses and germs in the stomach.

Chia Seeds: These seeds are great for your gut. It can flush out the toxins that cause constipation and other stomach problems. They also have omega-3 fatty acids, which can aid you in fighting inflammatory response of the immune system.

Mustard Greens help to neutralize toxins and remove them from the body

Dandelion helps to clear inflammation and congestion of the liver and gallbladder

Cabbage is known to support liver detoxification\B

Lettuce has good water content which helps flush out toxins from the body


Natural Ways to Body Cleanse Every Day

This helps our organs, especially the liver, to function optimally, cleans up our body from the inside, helping us prevent chronic disease, enhance our immune system, slow down premature ageing, improve our emotional and mental clarity, and restore balance to our body’s systems.

Hydrate Often

Water helps the body flush out toxins through sweat, urine and faeces, which contains plenty of toxins

Exercise Every Day

The lymphatic system does not have a pump of its own to flush out the toxins. It relies on you to get up and sweat it out each day and help it do its job well. So, hit it the gym, take a jog or a walk, do Zumba, or whatever form of exercise you like. Just pick an exercise routine you can do every day.


Eat Fruits and Vegetables Daily

Make it a habit to at least eat one vegetable or fruit every day. Broccoli, spinach, cabbage, blueberries, ginger, apples and oranges contain high amounts of vitamins and antioxidants that help your body eliminate toxins.

Enjoy a Deep Sleep

Sleep is a natural healer. During sleep, your body cleanses and heals itself, with the liver doing a lot of dirty work to purge all the unhealthy substances and chemicals you accumulated during the day. So make it a habit to sleep by 10 pm to enjoy deeper sleep cycles. Also, be sure to wake up early in the morning so you don’t sleep though the hours when your body naturally wants to purge itself of waste.


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