Grilled Lobster Tail
Calling all seafood lovers! You can't get healthier with this healthy protein overload.

Calling all seafood lovers! You can't get healthier with this healthy protein overload.

Lobster tails (medium sized) - 3
Salt - to taste
Garlic flakes - 2
Red chilli powder - 1 tsp (adjust according to taste)
Clean the lobsters
Cut the covering and fold it downwards to expose the flesh
Crush the garlic
Mix with salt and chili powder
Marinate the lobsters with this paste
Let it rest for 30 mins
Grill in an oven for about 10 mins
Let cool
Black Rice Vegetable Pasta
Pasta - 11/2 cups
Vegetables (mix of purple cabbage, capsicum, bell peppers, onions and whatever else you wish to add) - 2 cups
Sesame oil - 1 tbsp
Black Pepper powder - 1 tbsp
Black bean paste - 1 tsp
Garlic (finely chopped) - 6 flakes
Salt - to taste
Heat the oil
Add garlic flakes and stir fry quickly
Add the veggies and stir fry
Add salt and pepper powder
Add the pasta and mix slowly
Serve hot with the grilled lobsters
Health Benefits of Lobsters
Rich source of copper and selenium
Contains zinc, phosphorus, vitamin B12, magnesium, vitamin
E, and a small amount of omega-3 fatty acids

Health Benefits of Black Rice
Antioxidant rich
Protects heart health
Helps detoxify
High fibre content improves digestive health
Helps slow down absorption of sugar in the blood.. prevents diabetes
Helps in weight loss and management
Prevents atherosclerosis
Note: Anthocyanins are responsible for the red, purple and blue colors in fruits and vegetables. Red to purplish blue-colored leafy vegetables, fruits, grains, roots and tubers contain a high level of anthocyanins. They are found in high concentrations in blackcurrants, blackberries and blueberries, brinjal (in the skin), red cabbage, cranberries and cherries. Anthocyanins are linked to a range of health benefits.
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