Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Getting Physical

Getting Physical

It’s that time of the year when New Year resolutions have been made..  some are either sticking to it while the rest are almost on the verge of dropping out, if not already dropped out. I’m talking purely about people’s fitness resolutions.

After the partying and holidaying, guilt takes over and everyone wants to clean up their act. Some want to knock off the excess weight they have piled on in the festive season and maintain it.. others want to lose weight so that they can party again.
And there are a few who’ve suddenly been motivated in the New Year to shape up. For some, it’s the first time ever, for others it’s getting back into their fitness regimen. It could be a film star’s exercise video tape or perfectly toned body that has been an inspiration. This inspired start doesn't last. If circumstances change, exercise drops out of the routine.

Wake-up Call

For some it could be wake-up events like orders from a doctor, noticing cellulite on the thighs.. or it could simply be the desire to get back into one’s favourite clothes. 
Some value being physically fit but have difficulty putting together a fit lifestyle. Although they see value in exercise and have a workout routine, doing it regularly is a struggle. The reason – work, family and other obligations. But do they have a choice when it comes to their health? Isn't being healthy just as important to their survival as making money to afford life's essentials?
Some others would rather read a book or watch TV after a hard day’s work? Many others know the benefits of exercise but cannot adjust their lifestyles to include regular workouts. Some are also worried about getting into shape for fear it will force them to exercise for the rest of their life. It seems so formidable.

No Motivation
For some, it’s a case of ‘we will start an exercise program if circumstances permit us to. They wait for the right opportunity. Exercising ‘if circumstances permit’ simply doesn’t work.
Some feel that they need to start exercising when they get older and the weight starts to show, they will be prepared to exercise. Now, whoever said that exercising is only to lose weight! Also, these people don't realize that by then they may be so unfit that exercising will come with a lot of restraints.
What’s missing in all these cases is motivation; not motivation as hype, but motivation that lasts forever. What stops most people is their sense of the difficulties involved in sticking with a regular exercise program. But the difficulties are overrated. Despite good intentions, unfavourable circumstances stop them. They remain on the verge of adopting a healthy and fit lifestyle. But if they become steady exercisers, they look back on the old excuses and realize it wasn’t so difficult to change.

Genetic Flaw
To non-exercisers, regular exercisers may appear to be a special breed of people blessed with a natural drive to be physically active. They are not. They focus on the benefits of exercise and dismiss weak excuses for missing workouts.
Regular exercisers automatically talk themselves into exercising while inconsistent exercisers talk themselves out of doing it. The bottom line is that regular exercisers think differently from infrequent exercisers. The difference between the two is not as great as it may seem. It is easy to make exercise a habit.
Some people have myths about exercise. A common one is - One has to have the right stuff in them’. The excuses generally given are – ‘I’m not the athletic type’ or ‘I’m basically lazy’ or ‘I’m not very self-disciplined’. They are simply attributing their lack of exercise to a genetic flaw and resign themselves to being one of those unfortunate people who failed to inherit proper motivation for exercise.

Born To Be Active
All I can say is that No one was born to be a couch potato. Motivation for exercise isn’t genetically inherited; it’s a learned or acquired habit. And remember, exercise isn’t just for the body; it also helps your mind. It also stimulates the production of endorphins - happy chemicals that make you feel exhilarated and motivated. Exercise adds years to your life.
If you can’t walk, crawl. For those who have never exercised before, start by getting as mobile as possible throughout the day. If you're a mere couch potato, be inspired by the fact that you’re going to benefit most from even a tiny increase in your activity levels.
The health benefits of rising from zero to one on the fitness scale are far greater than increasing from a super fit nine to a ten. Even introducing a little gentle walking into your routine will improve your fitness and stamina. Once this becomes easy, just pick up the pace or increase the distance.

With this blog, I am not trying to motivate you.. I am only attempting to strip away the inflated sense of difficulty for most people in establishing the exercise habit.